Czech opera singer Jan Martiník (bass) has won several awards throughout his career, including the BBC Cardiff Singer of the World Song Prize in 2009.
For over 10 years, Jan has been a soloist at Berlin's Staatsoper Under den Linden, the oldest opera scene in Germany, where he has performed roles such as Brander (La damnation de Faust), Colline (La Bohème), Daland (Der fliegende Holländer), Father Trulove (The Rake's Progress), Dr. Kolenaty (Věc Makropulos), Sarastro (Die Zauberflöte), and many others. He has also collaborated with the Komische Oper Berlin, Deutsche Oper, the National Theater in Prague, the Vienna Volksoper, and other opera houses. 2024 marks his debut as Fritz Kothner in Die Meistersinger of Nürnberg at Staatsoper Unter den Linden.
Jan regularly performs with leading world orchestras, including the Czech Philharmonic, Bamberger Symphoniker, BBC Symphony Orchestra, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, LSO, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Rotterdam Philharmonic, Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, and Staatskapelle Dresden, among others. He collaborates with some of the world's most important conductors, including Daniel Barenboim, Jiří Bělohlávek, Semyon Bychkov, Manfred Honeck, Jakub Hrusa, Fabio Luisi, Zubin Mehta, Sir Simon Rattle among others.
Jan is also actively involved in recording activities. One of his most recent recordings is Winterreise by Franz Schubert, released by Supraphon, which received five Diapasons. With the Czech Philharmonic under the baton of Jiří Bělohlávek, he recorded Antonín Dvořák's Biblical Songs (2020, Decca). He is also one of the soloists on Bohuslav Martinů's recording of The Epic of Gilgamesh with the Czech Philharmonic (released by Supraphone in 2017) and on Collegium 1704's recording of Donizetti's Requiem.
For a detailed biography and a list of repertoire please contact my agency ARTEVISIO
DECCA Dvorak Biblical Songs and Requiem - Czech Philharmonics/Bělohlávek/Hruša
SUPRAPHON Martinu Gilgamesh Epos - Czech Philharmonics/Honeck
SUPRAPHON Martinu What men live by - Czech Philharmonic/Bělohlávek
SUPRAPHON Schubert Die Winterreise - Martiník/Mareček
DECCA. Janáček Glagolská Mše - Czech Philharmonics/Bělohlávek
CAPRICCIO Kabeláč Complete Chamber music - Hunting Songs
LSO LIVE. Janáček Liška Bystrouška Pastor, Dachs - London Symphony Orchestra/Sir Simon Rattle
LSO LIVE. Janáček Jenufa - Starek, Richtař - London Symphony Orchestra/Sir Simon Rattle
NIFCCD Moniuszko Verbum Nobile - Europa Galante/Biondi
NIFCCD Moniuszko Hrabina - Europa Galante/Biondi
Verdi Falstaff - Pistola - Staatsoper Unter den Linden/Barenboim
Janáček Jenufa - Starek - Staatsoper unter den Linden/Sir Simon Rattle
Donizetti Messa da Requiem - Collegium 1704/Luks
Janáček - Z Mrtvého Domu - Placmajor - Concertgebouw 22nd March 2025
"Sterk beeldende momenten in deze uitvoering waren vooral te danken aan de bas Jan Martiník als een zich ook op het concertpodium uitlevende, weinig empathische kampcommandant."
"Strongly visual moments in this performance were mainly thanks to the bass Jan Martiník, who portrayed a commander of the camp—lacking empathy and fully immersing himself in the role even on the concert stage."
Janáček - Věc Makropulos - Dr. Kolenaty - Staatsoper unter den Linden am Janacek Festival Brno 8th and 9th November 2024
"Jan Martiník v roli doktora Kolenatého by se na činoherní scéně neztratil. Pochvalu si zaslouží zejména za svůj výkon ve třetím dějství, kdy ho postihne infarkt. Jeho mocný hlasový fond byl další ozdobou inscenace"
"Jan Martiník in the role of Dr. Kolenaté would not be lost on the drama stage. He deserves praise especially for his performance in the third act, when he suffers a heart attack. His powerful voice fund was another decoration of the production"
"Doktor Kolenatý v interpretácii Jana Martiníka znel tiež ušľachtilou basovou farbou a výrazovou autentickosťou."
"In the interpretation of Jan Martiník, Doctor Kolenaty also sounded with a noble bass tone and expressive authenticity"-
"Stark agieren an diesem Abend auch die Übrigen:(..) ist Jan Martinik in diesem Spiel mit kräftigem Bass als Dr. Kolenaty tunlichst nicht zu unterschätzen, ..."
"The others also acted strongly this evening: (..) and Jan Martinik with his powerful bass as Dr. Kolenaty should not be underestimated.."
"Basista Jan Martiník se dokonale převtělil do role Dr. Kolenatého, nervózního advokáta, kterého i srozumitelně a výrazně deklamoval."
"Bassist Jan Martiník perfectly transformed himself into the role of Dr. Kolenaty, nervous lawyer, whom he declaimed clearly and distinctly."
"Doktora Kolenatého s přehledem a vysokou kulturou přednesu vytvořil český basista Jan Martiník, trvale působící v metropoli našich německých sousedů; jeho výkon bych označil za špičkový."
Doctor Kolenaté was created with an overview and a high culture of performance by the Czech bassist Jan Martiník, permanently active in the metropolis of our German neighbors; I would describe his performance as top notch.